Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Week 3 Review

Wow! I am not doing a very good job of keeping up with posting my thoughts on our class. I am really enjoying it though. I learned a LOT in week three. I am really excited about the web site and the opportunities I see for implementing this in my current classroom. Every day I come up with more ideas of things I could post there for parents and links to activities to reinforce the curriculum.

Cyberbullying is a real issue we must deal with. With all of the great technological advances there are always growing pains and I think cyberbullying is one of them. Hopefully we can develop a good program to teach children how to deal effectively with these type of attacks and the confidence to head them off.

The cell phones in the classroom idea really stretched me. I found myself agreeing that we must embrace technology and look for ways to use all of the resources available to our students. I really thought I could not be convinced to allow cell phones in the classroom. In fact up until a little over a year ago now I did not own one and did not desire standard line was...I don't want to be that accessible...but now my family has gone completely cellular...if that is an accurate description. We cancelled our landline and just have cell phones. In such a short time I have come to really rely on this technology and love the connectedness we have as a family...especially with my teenage daughter.

I am really buried this week with all of the Thanksgiving school activities coming together. I have had to put some of my college course activities on hold but intend to spend a good block of time this weekend and then next week while school is out for the Thanksgiving break. Our school has the entire week off so I am looking forward to a nice break and a chance to catch up on a number of things including house keeping. Truly my family is such a blessing at times like this when school, college and life starts piling up...literally!

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