Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week Two Reflection

I am starting to get the hang of this stuff. I learned a lot about Wikipedia and checking the credibility of websites. I changed my opinion of the usefulness of Wikipedia after reading the article about it and think there are valuable applications for allowing students to do research using this tool and the necessary research to corroborate information attained here.

I am having fun with the website design. I made a hyperlink to this page so I decided to type in my reflection of this week while I am here. I have so much to learn about technology and the uses for it in the classroom. It is fun negotiating these sites and not as hard as I thought it would be. Of course I am not yet finished with my website but I did get in to it so that is a good start for me.

As far as student attention span goes, I do not think educational technology is shortening it but I do think that technology in general and our national tendency to indulge in instant gratification is.

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